New Democracy Maps

U.S. Virgin Islands' Equality Profile

Quick Facts About U.S. Virgin Islands

Percent of Adults (18+)
Who are LGBTQ

N/A Gallup/Williams 2019

Population (13+)

N/A Williams 2020

Percent of Workforce
That is LGBTQ

N/A Census 2018; Williams 2020


N/A Williams 2020

Percent of LGBTQ
Adults (25+) Raising Children

N/A Gallup/Williams 2019

U.S. Virgin Islands' LGBTQ Policy Tally

Sexual Orientation
Policy Tally:8.75/23
Gender Identity
Policy Tally:4.75/26
Overall Tally:13.5/49
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See how U.S. Virgin Islands compares to the rest of the country on the Snapshot page.

U.S. Virgin Islands' LGBTQ Laws and Policies

Click on each issue for more information and to see where the state fits into the national landscape.

  • State has this law Indicates state law or policy
  • State has this law Indicates local laws or policies and/or partial law
  • State does not have this law Indicates no law or policy
  • Enumeration not applicable
Relationship and Parental Recognition Sexual Orientation Gender Identity
Law Exists? Tally Law Exists? Tally
As a result of the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Obergefell, same-sex couples can marry nationwide and states must extend all the rights and benefits of marriage to same-sex couples. As a result, the following benefits are available to all married same-sex couples on the same basis they are available to married different-sex couples:

Marriage for Same-Sex Couples
Medical Decision-Making Authority for Married Same-Sex Couples
Stepparent Adoption for Married Same-Sex Couples
Joint Adoption for Married Same-Sex Couples

Second-Parent Adoption for Unmarried Couples 1/1
Confirmatory Adoption 0/1
Voluntary Acknowledgement of Parentage (VAP) 0/1
Family Services Nondiscrimination Laws

Adoption Nondiscrimination Protections for LGBTQ Parents
Foster Care Nondiscrimination Protections for LGBTQ Parents


Recognition for Parents Using Assisted Reproduction 0/1
State Family Leave Laws

LGBTQ-Inclusive Definitions of Spouse/Partner
LGBTQ-Inclusive Definitions of Children/Parents


Subtotal 2/7 0/1
Relationship and Parental Recognition Total 2/8
State Nondiscrimination Laws Sexual Orientation Gender Identity
Law Exists? Tally Law Exists? Tally
As a result of a June 2020 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, people in all states can seek recourse for employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity through the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and federal courts.
Employment Nondiscrimination Laws* 1/1 1/1
Housing Nondiscrimination Laws* 1/1 1/1
Public Accommodations Nondiscrimination Laws* 1/1 1/1
Credit and Lending Nondiscrimination Laws 1/1 1/1
Nondiscrimination Policies for State Employees 0.5/0.5 0.5/0.5
Negative Law: State Bans Cities and Counties from Passing Nondiscrimination Laws No Negative Law 0/-1 No Negative Law 0/-1
Negative Law: State Bans Transgender People From Using Bathrooms or Facilities Consistent With Their Gender Identity In Government-Owned Buildings No Negative Law 0/-1
Negative Law: State Explicitly Defines “Sex” Throughout State Law To Exclude Transgender People No Negative Law 0/-1
Subtotal 4.5/4.5 4.5/4.5
Nondiscrimination Total 9/9
*If state lacks statewide law, tally looks at local Nondiscrimination ordinances in employment, housing, and public accommodations and provides partial points based on percent of LGBTQ population covered by local laws.
Religious Exemption Laws Sexual Orientation Gender Identity
Law Exists? Tally Law Exists? Tally
Negative Law: Broad "RFRA" or Religious Exemption Law No Negative Law 0/-0.5 No Negative Law 0/-0.5
Negative Law: Targeted Religious Exemption for Child Welfare Services No Negative Law 0/-1 No Negative Law 0/-1
Negative Law: Targeted Religious Exemption for Medical Professionals No Negative Law 0/-1 No Negative Law 0/-1
Negative Law: Targeted Wedding Services

Private Wedding Services
State and Local Officials Providing Marriage Licenses
No Negative Law
No Negative Law

Subtotal 0/-3.5 0/-2.5
Religious Exemption Laws Total 0/-6
Criminal Justice Laws and Policies Sexual Orientation Gender Identity
Law Exists? Tally Law Exists? Tally
Hate Crime Law Covering LGBTQ People 1/1 1/1
Ban on Panic Defense 0/1 0/1
Jury Service Nondiscrimination 0/1 0/1
Negative Law: HIV Criminalization Law NEGATIVE LAW -0.5/-1 NEGATIVE LAW -0.5/-1
Negative Law: Restrictions on Drag Performances No Negative Law 0/-1 No Negative Law 0/-1
Subtotal 0.5/3 0.5/3
Criminal Justice Total 1/6
Ability for Transgender People to Correct
Name and Gender Marker on Identity Documents
Sexual Orientation Gender Identity
Law Exists? Tally Law Exists? Tally
Changing Gender Marker on Driver's Licenses 0/1
Changing Gender Marker on Birth Certificates 0/1
Gender Neutral Options

"X" Option on Driver's Licenses
"X" Option on Birth Certificates

Name Change Process NEGATIVE LAW -1/1
Subtotal -1/4
Identity Documents Total -1/4
Grand Totals Sexual Orientation
Policy Tally
Gender Identity
Policy Tally
Overall Tally
Totals 8.75/23 4.75/26 13.5/49

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