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COVID & the LGBTQI Movement in 2021: Results from the Q4 2021 COVID Pulse Survey

Since the start of the pandemic, MAP has released a series of reports with data from organizations about their operations, finances, and programs. Reports released in September 2020, January 2021, June 2021, September 2021, and December 2021 demonstrate the flexibility and continued resilience of LGBTQI and allied organizations.
This report presents the results from our fourth quarterly pulse survey of 2021, highlighting the continuing impact of COVID-19 in disrupting key areas of both life and work for LGBTQI and allied movement organizations and their staff. This survey fielded questions about year-end financials, “The Great Resignation,” current challenges with staffing, and projections for 2022.

As the second full year of the pandemic drew to a close, LGBTQI and allied organizations have become skilled at financial planning and budgeting during an unprecedented time—including amidst the Delta variant in the latter half of 2021.
This report also highlights the significant and still ongoing impacts of “The Great Resignation,” with considerable staff turnover for many organizations over the past year and continued challenges in filling open positions. However, movement organizations reported many actions they have already taken to better support, retain, and recruit staff, and further that they majority of organizations hope to add new staff in 2022.
Top concerns for 2022 remain focused on staffing and cash flow, including with respect to event revenue, foundation funding, and individual giving. These findings point to the need of continued resources and support for LGBTQI and allied organizations in this still rapidly changing time.

Recommended citation: Movement Advancement Project. April 2022. COVID & the LGBTQI Movement in 2021: Results from the Q4 2021 COVID Pulse Survey.  Accessed [date of access].

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